Thanks to the physicians of the NeuroCOVID tele-expertise platform
This solution implemented by the company AiiNTENSE has enabled doctors to easily seek advice from more than a hundred experts specialising in the various neurological pathologies and polyhandicap.
In the context of the COVID-19 epidemic, hospital neurologists in the Ile de France region, represented by the neurology college, in partnership with the neuro-rehabilitation experts and the start-up company AiiNTENSESince April 1, 2020, NeuroCOVID has been offering free on-call service on NeuroCOVID, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to allow colleagues in the region caring for patients infected with the new coronavirus to obtain advice within a few hours, or even in an emergency, on chronic neurological pathologies that the patients might be carrying. At the request of the ARS Ile de France, we have extended this assistance to medico-social establishments and general practitioners caring for patients with disabilities. This assistance complemented the existing care channels.
More than a hundred experts took turns during these two months to respond to requests for advice from all types of doctors in the Ile de France region and also in the provinces. Most of these requests for advice required for each of them the involvement of several experts, a collegial discussion and finally a formalized opinion in a report that will be inserted in the patient's file.
At the end of this health crisis, we plan to transform the project by making the tele-expertise platform available under a different name, which will henceforth have the objective of helping the care of patients suffering from neurological pathologies and in a situation of disability. This platform will be supported by the Collegiales de Neurologie and Médecine Physique et Réadaptation, as well as by the ARS, and will be based on the care channels that are already operational, and will under no circumstances replace them. It will soon be the subject of a specific communication, once the outlines of this project have been finalised. Caregivers, doctors and nurses, emergency services and medico-social establishments wishing to send us comments and suggestions are welcome, and can send them by email to because this new version of the platform will imply a complete reconfiguration of its organization in order to be as congruent as possible with the practice modalities of each of the requesting and expert physicians.
In the meantime, we would like to warmly thank all of the physicians who have graciously provided their expert contribution to the NeuroCOVID experience and are listed below.
Prof. Bruno Stankoff, President of the Collegiale de Neurologie and the members of the board of the Collegiale Prs Bertrand Degos, David Grabli, Philippa Lavallee, Sophie Demeret, Catherine Belin, Alain Créange, Christian Denier, Ahmed Id Baih, Marc Teichmann, Mikael Mazihi,
Prof. Tarek Sharshar, resuscitation coordination
Daniel Duhautbout, President ofAiiNTENSE
Speaking ofAiiNTENSE:
AiiNTENSE is a start-up created in the Paris region in September 2018, co-incubated by Genopole® and IMT Starter, accelerated by Voisin Consulting Life Science. AiiNTENSE was awarded the Deloitte Coup de Coeur prize at the CES in Las Vegas as part of the Bercy-IMT Innovation Award with the Mines Telecom Foundation. AiiNTENSE develops technological and medical solutions for cognitive assistance for neurologists and intensive care units in hospitals and clinics in order to improve medical, economic and ethical patient care.