The tele-expertise and tele-CPR platform in

Our solutions for clinicians in Neuroscience

D'Open Clinics is a digital platform of tools and services to aid diagnosis, prognostic assessments and therapeutic decisions in neuroscience.

D'Open Clinics also allows hospital specialists in neurology, intensive care, psychiatry and PRM to respond to requests for advice from all health professionals and to improve collegial decision making in hospitals in situations of uncertainty. Experts from other specialties can be involved in requests for advice requiring a transversal perspective.

Our technology for extracting and structuring textual data allows the integration of textual information contained in the DPI, the DMP, whether it be hospitalization reports, daily observations, etc.

Tele-expertise service for the resuscitation doctor

Tele-expertise / Tele-CPR

The tele-expertise / tele-CPR service improves the quality of medical decisions by allowing the doctor to seek the opinion of an expert or a group of experts in order to make the management more precise and relevant. This is a valuable aid to decision-making, and also provides a second opinion in complex cases where the question of limiting or interrupting treatment arises.


This module fromAiiNTENSE automatically extracts and collects all relevant data from the patient record, including textual data, and displays it in a single, simple user interface. The information is analysed to provide clinicians with patient history, organ status and all the information needed for diagnosis and prognosis assessment. For clinicians, this solution represents a significant time saving. It also allows for quality data recording with full traceability.

Aiintense Dashboard
Caduceus representing cognitive assistants

Cognitive Assistants

The objective is to identify missing information necessary for medical decision making. This module allows to identify in real time the missing clinical observations and tests, to validate their coherence by comparing the patient's file to the international recommendations of the learned societies. The objective is also to offer a prognostic aid tool for clinicians to help them with patients for whom the prognosis remains difficult or uncertain.